If you’re trying to figure out whether live plants are beneficial or if they’re messy or maybe if they’re easy to keep alive, this is the right article for you. In this article, we will be talking about the 5 best beginner plants and how to care for them.
#1 Java Fern
The Java Fern is a super easy plant to take care of; one of the only downsides to this plant is that it is slow-growing. The slow growth of a Java Fern may even be perfect if you want to keep plants in a smaller tank; you won’t have to worry about trimming it or getting rid of it. Another amazing thing about the Java Fern is that it can grow in tons of different lighting conditions. The same goes for water; it can grow in most water conditions you would keep fish in with no problems. Another cool thing about the Java Fern, which most plants don’t have, is that you can grow it by just attaching it to something. The Java Fern does not have to be planted in the substrate; you can simply attach it to an object or a piece of driftwood.
#2 Amazon sword
My favorite plant to keep in my tank is the Amazon Sword; not only is it my favorite, but it is the perfect beginner plant. Although it has an interesting name, no, it is not sharp, but it can be very tall. Amazon Swords are known for growing so quickly. An Amazon Sword can grow up to almost 2 feet tall with the right water conditions. If you have a big tank, 20g+, I HIGHLY recommend trying out the Amazon Sword.
#3 Vallisneria
If you’re looking for a plant that will provide a cool aesthetic or you just want a plant that can repopulate easily, this is the right plant for you. Vallisneria looks almost just like underwater grass, and just like regular grass, if you don’t cut it, it will grow tall. Vallisneria can reach up to around 20 inches tall, and it grows and spreads fast, so keep that in mind if you’re wanting to buy this plant.
#4 Java Moss
In my number four spot, we have Java Moss. Java Moss is a very cool plant; it can grow with really low amounts of light, and in my opinion, just looks really cool. Another cool feature about this plant is that it is the perfect plant for fry to hide in. Java Moss will grow in any direction it can; you can even fill a whole tank with just one piece of Java Moss as long as you let it grow to its full potential. If you’re keeping shrimp, guppies, or anything that is small enough to hide in this plant, it is perfect for you.
#5 Marimo Moss Ball
Finally, in my number five spot, we have the Marimo Moss Ball. This type of plant is a very slow-growing plant; it takes up to a few years to really even see the growth of it. The Marimo Moss Ball is a super easy plant for beginners; it takes little to no requirements and should work however you want it to. Just keep in mind that this plant should not be kept in temperatures above 76°F; they do better in cooler temperatures. In my opinion, the coolest thing about this plant is that it can survive with no oxygen, meaning you can keep it in a sealed container if you were keeping it by itself.
Let me know what your favorite beginner plant is in the comments below. If you have any other questions about Beginner plants or other questions about fishkeeping let me know down below.
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